
"Type ... doesn't have any fields"

Sometimes when working with union types you'll get the following error.

Fatal error: exception Graphql_ppx_base__Schema.Invalid_type("Type IssueTimelineItems doesn't have any fields")

This is an example of a query that will result in such error:

nodes {
... on ClosedEvent {
closer {
... on PullRequest {
milestone { id }

This is because we allow querying union fields only in certain cases. GraphQL provides the __typename field but it's not present in GraphQL introspection query thus graphql-ppx doesn't know that this field exists. To fix your query simply remove __typename. It's added behinds a scene as an implementation detail and serves us as a way to decide which case to select when parsing your query result.

This is an example of a correct query:

nodes {
... on ClosedEvent {
closer {
... on PullRequest {
milestone { id }